Creating Focus Time

How I got back some time for deep work

Thomas Schoffelen
3 min readApr 11, 2021

Within my companies, one of my main roles is being a facilitator. I like to help my colleagues do their best work. That means answering a lot of questions over Slack and Zoom.

I love it, but it also takes up a lot of time, especially if you combine it with all the internal and external meetings.

I realised recently that it was about time to make sure I started blocking some time for deep work. I’m generally not a fan of calendar blocking, at least not the way most people apply it. I have a todo list that I am very much dependent on, so there’s no sense in putting set time in my calendar for specific tasks, that feels like duplicating work. Instead, I went for something a little more flexible.

The system I ended up with consists of 4 main parts: repeating calendar events, a slack bot, a way of tagging tasks for deep work, and the Pomodoro technique.


I did end up putting some blocks of time in my calendar. 2 hours, every Monday, Wednesday and Friday, from 1pm to 3pm.

Simple, consistent and predictable, and with a nice note for my colleagues who might be peeking into my calendar to see if I’m available for a meeting:



Thomas Schoffelen

Entrepreneur tech kid, co-founder of NearSt, Londoner, open source enthusiast and aspiring spare time literature geek.